66mm Light Vehicle Obscurant Smoke System

and Vehicle-Launched Non-Lethal Grenades

66mm Light Vehicle Obscurant Smoke System and Vehicle-Launched Non-Lethal Grenades

The 66mm Light Vehicle Obscurant Smoke System and Vehicle-Launched Non-Lethal Grenades are designed to deny access into/out of an area to individuals, move individuals through an area, and suppress individuals. This technology has the potential to support multiple missions including:

  • Force protection
  • Crowd control
  • Offensive and defensive operations

The Light Vehicle Obscurant Smoke System and Vehicle-Launched Non-Lethal Grenades is a remotely fired launcher that discharges a four grenade single salvo. The grenades are capable of delivering smoke, flash bang effects, Riot-Control Agent munitions and blunt trauma.

66mm Light Vehicle Obscurant Smoke System and Vehicle-Launched Non-Lethal Grenades News

66mm Light Vehicle Obscurant Smoke System and Vehicle-Launched Non-Lethal Grenades-Related Fact Sheets